Download an updated schedule here: YOUTH SPORTS FLYER WINTER-SPRING 2025


Youth Basketball League

The YMCA offers a Youth Basketball League each year. We have a fall season for girls, a winter season for boy and a spring season for boys and girls.  YBL is a fun program, which emphasizes basic basketball skills, sportsmanship, team play and participation. As in all YMCA sports, winning is downplayed, and no league standings are kept. All players will get an equal amount of playing time. The volunteer coaches and referees work hard to make YBL a fun learning experience. We will try to hold all practices and games in the Grand Forks Schools. We reserve the right to change rosters to maintain competitive balance. The season is held on Tuesday and Thursday. Girls season starts in October, Boys season in January and a Spring season for boys and girls starts in April.

Grades: 2-3/4-6

Registration Fee: Members $65/Non-members $85

Mighty Mite Basketball

This FUN program introduces children in Kindergarten and 1st grade to the exciting sport of basketball. Basic basketball skills, sportsmanship, team play, and participation will be emphasized.

YMCA Reversible shirts are recommended, and can be purchased at the YMCA front desk.

Grades: K-1

Registration Fee: Members $50/Non Members $60

Itty Bitty Sports

Providing opportunities for the littlest members of you family. Introduction to basketball, baseball, soccer. Each session is four weeks. Parent participation is needed.

Ages: 3-4 yrs

Registration Fee: Members $50/Non Members $60

Youth Sports

Providing Opportunities for children from grades 2-6. These fall sessions include those interested in volleyball & soccer. Sessions are 5 weeks long.

Registration Fee: $50 member/Non-Member $60

Grades: 2-6

Youth Volleyball League

The YMCA is hosting a Youth Boys and Girls Volleyball league. Teams will be co-ed. Sessions are held on Tuesday and Thursdays. On Tuesdays we will hold practices where volunteer coaches will teach teams the fundamentals of volleyball and on Thursdays there will be games played against other teams to gain playing experience. YVB is a fun program that will help gain valuable playing experience for kids interested in playing volleyball!

Registration Fee: TBA

Grades (4-5)

Grades (6-8)

Located at the YMCA

Shotokan Karate

Download Karate Brochure: Karate Brochure January 2025


For ages 6-adult.  Beginners welcome.

Karate is a traditional Japanese martial art and was developed in the early 20th century. Fitness, coordination, self-control and character are stressed.  Physical contact in minimal in this form of Karate and strictly controlled by the instructor.

Registration Fees: Member $25/Non-Member  $30 (monthly fee – class is ongoing)

NOTE: There will be no refunds given for absenteeism or cancellations within 3 days of the activities beginning.