Tot Town Toddlers –  Ages 1-3

Toddlers learn primarily through active exploration of their surroundings. A rich sensory environment offers opportunities to see, hear, touch, and manipulate provides children with the basis for developing knowledge. When a child initiates actions, observes the effects, and repeats them in various ways it leads to important child discoveries. Adults play a vital role in providing a variety of stimulating materials and experiences, and encouraging and guiding active learning. As well as serving as positive role models for children to imitate, and providing the security toddlers need in their quest for independence.


Transitions happen throughout the day and offer a predictable routine that helps children feel secure and aid learning, such as; washing hands before a meal, stories before nap time, etc. Through transitions, children learn social skills and develop self-help abilities.



  • Build and master communication skills
  • Build and master fine/gross motor skills
  • Communicate emotions and needs effectively



We utilize Creative Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers to plan hands-on learning experiences.

Literacy- building vocabulary, language use and communication skills

Mathematics- basic counting and patterns

Science- beginning awareness of the world around us

Social Studies- beginning awareness of people and places

Arts- beginning enjoyment of dance, music and visual art

Healthy Habits- basics of healthy eating, personal safety and enjoyment of physical activities, both indoors and out.

Spirit, Mind and Spirit- developing social skills while promoting core values


For rate information, please contact Child Care Director at 701-775-2586 or send us a request for more info – click here