Y Kids Pre-School – Ages 3-5
Weekly lesson plans with specific activities are posted and include activities to develop skills for classroom readiness; socially, emotionally, physically and cognitively. Children develop a passion for learning and experience a sense of achievement.
Children will have two ½ hour swimming lessons per week. The half hour lessons follow the National YMCA Swim Program and are taught by Certified Water Safety Instructors.
Organized gym time on days the children do not have swim lessons. Children use the mini-gym for organized games and have free time for their own interests.
Our morning teachers have degrees in Early Childhood Education or Elementary Education. Our afternoon caregivers are pursuing education degrees or have experience working in a center.
- Building writing and reading skills
- Developing math skills
- Social/emotional development
- Physical skill development
Y Kids utilizes the play based Creative Curriculum with open ended play experiences.
- Literacy- increased vocabulary and language skills, comprehension and enjoyment
- Mathematics- beginning understanding of number concepts, patterns and relationships
- Science- beginning understanding of physical, life and environment sciences
- Social Studies- understanding of people, places and environments
- Arts- knowledge and understanding of dance, music, drama and visual arts
- Health Habits- understanding of healthy eating, physical and personal safety and building life-long enjoyment of physical activities
- Body, Mind and Spirit- developing social skills, core values and a foundation for social responsibility
For rate information, please contact Child Care Director at 701-775-2586 or send us a request for more info – click here