Make 2025 the BEST SUMMER EVER!
Adventure Camp!
Registration Opens April 7 at 8:00 am
General Info: camp flyer 2025
Children Ages 6-12
With a commitment to nurturing the potential of every child, YMCA Camps focus on Youth Development, Safety, Achievement, Friendships, and Belonging.
YMCA Adventure Camp has a strong emphasis on enjoying nature, and being active in the outdoors. Camp will help each child develop environmental awareness and provide a wide range of enjoyable activities in the arts, teambuilding, sports, and sciences. It will promote individual growth in areas of self esteem, responsibility, communication, independence, leadership, and our Values of Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibility.
Adventure Camp is experiential learning designed to take campers to various outdoor recreational areas each day that may include Turtle River State Park, Red River Valley Recreational Area, Maple Lake (Polk County Park), Old Mill State Park, Fertile Sand Hills, Larimore Dam, Marshall County Park and the Rydell Wildlife Refuge. The destination for each day – apart from the weekly featured field trip – is determined the week prior and based upon the weather forecast.
2025 Itinerary Coming Soon
Schedule is subject to change based on weather or at coordinators discretion if they believe kids could use change of location.
Front desk will be updated if they go someplace else or leave early. Additionally parents will be notified via remind app.
To join the Adventure Camp remind either download “remind” app and type in @hf792ka to join. Alternatively text @hf792ka to 81010.
2024 Schedule
June 3-7: All things Nature
This week the campers will be exploring all different areas where nature can be found. Such as parks, gardens, and the good old woods.
June 10-14: Survivor Week
Get ready to show us your survival skills. See who can last the longest and create the most stable shelter, all while finding their items on a scavenger hunt through the wild.
June 17-21: YMCA Olympics
Have you ever wanted to compete in the Olympics? This week will be full of team challenges, swimming, basketball, soccer and relay races. Let the games begin!
June 24-28: Cinematic Universe
Come one, come all! This week campers will explore their favorite movies, and even become movie directors themselves.
July 1-3: Patriotic Week – NO camp on July 4th and 5th!!
Celebrate the USA with a week of crafts and games unique to the US. All while enjoying the fun outdoors and using a treasure map to see what they can find.
July 8-12: YMCA’s got talent
Give it all you’ve got! This week campers will karaoke, join a talent show, and put on a YMCA Idol. They can create their own skits and watch each other come out of their shell. Let’s not stop the fun now.
July 15-19: ‘Tis the Season
Happy Holidays! The campers will talk about their favorite holidays while exploring others celebrated around the country.
July 22-26: Silly Sports
This week the campers will be exploring all the different fun games we can play while working as a team. Potato sack races and all.
July 29-August 2: Time Travelers
Let’s travel back through time to when your parents were born. Learn about the music they listened to and create your very own time capsule.
August 5-9: Future You
This week campers will be doing projects and activities that will help them get an idea of what they want to do in the future. Such as STEM.
August 12-16: Water Week
The campers will stay cool this week by dipping into the water. We will have water balloons, relay’s and lots more. Bring a towel and prepare to get soaked!
Activities each week include, but are not limited to:
Exploring the outdoors, teambuilding, experiential learning, volunteering, hiking trails, going on river walks, canoeing, swimming, group games, creative crafts, STEM activities, guest speakers and much more! The YMCA will provide a morning and afternoon snack.
Open House date for 2024: May 31st, 5:00-6:00pm
What campers need to bring to camp each day:
A healthy & hearty lunch, swimsuit/towel, sunscreen 12-hour waterproof: sunscreen should be applied at home before camp), insect repellent, change of clothes, water bottle, sturdy shoes/boots and an old pair of shoes for water walks. Hour of camp are 7:30am-5:30pm, we leave the Y at 9:00am and return around 4:30pm!
Fees Per Session:
$179.00/Members & $205.00/Non-Members per week
A $25 non-refundable deposit that cannot be credited is required for registration per week. Auto draft payment is required and will be due one week prior to attending.
payment due one week prior to attending!
Emergencies: If you have a medical or family emergency and are unable to attend camp please contact us as soon as possible. We will do our best to accommodate you, however refunds are at the discretion of the camp director.
Last minute cancellations: We require a two week notice to cancel or credit payment per week.
Refunds will not be given if:
- A child is sent home due to behavioral issues (see YMCA Youth Code of Conduct).
- A camper decides to drop out of the program or leaves early/before the end of camp.
- Your child is sick and either stayed home from, or was sent home from camp due to fever or other ailments.
Financial Assistance Available
*Activities may be subject to change depending upon weather, our partners’ change in schedule, or other unforeseen circumstances.*